Increase the profitability of your workplace.
The most important reason to use Innovative Source is to reduce and control your operating costs. We have expert knowledge in the field of facilities planning with over 20 years of experience helping companies drive down costs and streamline workplace management functions. “Do less with more” is the mantra often heard in today’s Facilities Management world.
Our planning and design services support facility managers, owners, tenants and property management firms alike. We provide on-site supplemental staffing to address workload peaks. “We’re there when you need us, not when you don’t.”
We can assume full responsibility for the on-going planning, design and project coordination of your facilities. We are your representative – your eyes and ears. Our main objective is to ensure that you are operating as efficiently as possible. This allows you tend to your core business while we tend to ours.
We know what to do and how to do it. And this is all we do…this is our “core” business.
Recently, we participated in the Guthrie Benchmark study and came in 20% below the industry benchmark national average. What does this mean to you? A savings of time and money. Over a period of time, our services virtually pay for themselves…
- Forecasting
- Long Range and Annual Facility Planning
- On-site Project Support
- Space Forecasting/Building Analysis
- Procurement/Budget Analysis
- Space Management
- Space Utilization Studies
- Relocation Management
- Furniture Management
- CAFM Support Management
- Daily Planning Activities (Moves/Adds/Changes)